This template was made for creating an incredible website for an online mobile store. We offer you a highly efficient, responsive design bound to always make your clients happy! With Contacts page,...
Sales: 14
Support: 4.2/5
TechLab -电子审查Joomla模板
Show off your great taste by choosing the highly functional and trendy-looking Electronics Review Joomla Template. Its minimalist, clean design is meant to present electronics review and testing...
Sales: 6
Support: 4.2/5
Gadnews is a Joomla template for gadget and tech reviews, as well as technology news and events. It has a clean layout and beautiful typography, which makes a positive impact on readability of your...
Sales: 2
Support: 4.2/5
This stylish theme exhibiting contemporary look and contrasting layout will come in handy when you decide to redress or start an electronics related site. 如果您的项目涉及任何其他...
Sales: 33
Support: 4.2/5


We live in a world where electronics surround us in our day-to-day life, 这也反映在网络世界中. Today customers know how to evaluate an online page from the first seconds, and a good impression of the website may significantly increase your sales. If you want your online electronics site to get in front of your competition and bring you new clients, 你需要一个现成的主题! Our collection of electronics Joomla templates is the perfect way to create an attractive web presence without spending much time and money on it. Meanwhile, they don't require the user to have huge web development experience or technical skills. 你可以从这个系列中挑选这个设计, download it, 并按照附带的说明开始定制布局.

电子维修的主要特点 & Shop Joomla Templates

我们的数码产品通过简单和优雅来吸引观众. Big white spaces and high-quality images make the perfect combination to create a sophisticated and yet accessible atmosphere. The visual effects created using HTML5 and JS add a tone of dynamism that increases our designs' attractiveness. You also have access to a series of web forms that will help you manage users' flow and possible clients. 您可以自定义这些功能,并通过管理面板添加视觉效果. 它是一种简化和减少修改布局时间的工具, allowing you to move, edit, 添加或删除任何网站元素在几次点击鼠标. 此外,每个模板包含以下特征:

  • Responsive design. 允许您的web项目在所有设备上正常工作.
  • SEO-friendly. 你的网站在谷歌排名更高.
  • Retina-ready. 访问者可以从高像素密度的设备上查看您的内容.
  • Cross-browser compatibility. Your web presence works well from all browsers, including Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, etc.
  • Blog. It is a place where you may write interesting articles about new gadgets, 设备利用提示, reviews, and more.
  • Google Maps. Lets you mark your location, workshop, or office, to help clients get to you in no time.
  • 下拉菜单、JQuery、快速入门包等等.


随着技术的发展, there are increasingly various gadgets for different purposes and to any taste. And the Internet is a place where people may read reviews about devices, select and buy them, 找一个大师或服务中心, and more. Considering the various demand, we made these templates suitable for any kind of business:

  • repair services company;
  • 笔记本电脑、平板电脑、个人电脑、手机等诊断中心.;
  • 电子评论或新闻博客;
  • 互联网公司或支持机构;
  • gadgets store;
  • audio and video shop;
  • 麦克风,耳机和其他配件的零售商,以及更多.

电子维修网站创建提示 & Shop Joomla Templates

一些关键点会影响网站的成功. They include:

  1. Simple site structure. The content is well organized, allowing the viewer to orientate based on product categories. It makes the navigation process natural and easy and offers the user a great online experience.
  2. Visual appeal. 醒目的设计能带来更多的销量、知名度和订单. You get various tools to make your web presence's visual look impressive, such as dynamic elements, Google fonts, Parallax, 高质量的照片和视频, and more. The lovely combination of visual tricks will positively affect the company's success. You also can use the main slider to promote your best products and offers.
  3. High rating in Google. 你的业务的受欢迎程度很大程度上取决于数字推广. 通过在页面中添加独特的内容, you can increase positions in the search engines and become more visible to the targeted audience. 同时,你将领先于这个行业的竞争对手.



You can use the live demo option to preview the chosen theme before purchasing. This function lets you see how the layout looks and works and if it matches your requirements the way you expect.


The Bootstrap framework guarantees an easy and simple installation and configuration process. Everything is pre-coded, and all you have to do to activate complex functionalities is click on a button.


每个主题都有文档和自定义和编辑指南. 你可以跟随他们,同时为你的企业创建一个网络存在. 我们的帮助中心也提供可能对您有帮助的文章.


Of course, this feature is one of the essential ones for modern websites. 不同设备的范围很广, 所以你的网站必须在所有这些屏幕上运行良好,并适应任何屏幕尺寸. Thus, people may use smartphones, laptops, tablets, or PCs to view the web presence.

为什么要使用Joomla电子维修 & Shop Themes? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

Watch a helpful video about the outstanding Joomla Electronics themes features. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, in-built page editor, 更有价值的机会让你的电子维修 & 网店网站项目独特而成功!